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PS4 BRIGANDINE The Legend of Runersia (R3)

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An Endless Fantasy WarGrand Strategy Simulation
Conquer the continent in this grand strategy simulation game
The continent of Runersia is home to six major powers with more than 40 bases, 100 knights, and 50 types of monsters.
Select a ruler, compose your platoons of knights and monsters, and march to claim enemy bases.
The player chooses how they will battle, so devise the best strategy to lead your nation toward continental conquest. How will your legend unfold?

Simple yet deep war simulation game with unit growth and map-based platoon battles
Time passes on Runersia in seasons, each one consisting of an Organization Phase and an Attack phase.
During the Organization Phase, knights and monsters with various classes and skills are organized into platoons in preparation for the upcoming battles.
During the Attack Phase, turn-based platoon battles take place on a map made up of hexagonal spaces. Make use of unit skills, elements, enclosure effects, terrain advantages, and other battle tactics to lead your side to victory!
All nations, knights, and monsters in the game will continue to battle and grow as you do.
The game is also packed with other ways to grow your armies such as class changes, equipment, and various items.